Search Marketing Consultant

Web Marketing & Search Engine Consultant

Italian elections in a nutshell

Grillo: A clown turned politician Berlusconi: A politician turned clown Bersani: His shit don’t stink …

#convegnogt La Migrazione di un Sito web

Bisogna stabilire le priorità nelle URL che sono da salvaguardare (quelle che producono reddito) attenzione all’abuso di htaccess (meglio caricare nell’httpd.conf) ci possono essere dei 404 – si fa pulizia i test sono importanti prima e dopo il rollout del sito (usa il file hosts)

Sir Tim Berners-Lee flags UN net conference concerns

Sir Tim Berners-Lee flags UN net conference concerns

Protect Your PC in a Storm – blog – direct marketing blog

Do not use your PC with a gasoline  power  generator Experince from Sandy in New Jersey

Why Things Went So Wrong in L’Aquila on April 6, 2009

The debate on the earthquake in L’Aquila suddenly took the floor a few days ago as eminent scientists were found guilty of manslaughter and sentenced to 6 years. Here in Italy many had their money on an acquittal. The sentence has literally thrown not only the scientific community in an uproar but also the political
